Thursday, May 26, 2011

Are ceramic bowls best for cats?

Cats...There are many products availabe to buy for them. One very important purchase is the correct feeding bowl. Who would have ever thought there would be an issue with the type of feeding bowl for them to use.
Well there are health issues regarding the proper object used to feed them. Plastic bowls are cheaper, non breakable and colorful. All great attributes one can say. However, they can cause allergic reactions in your pet. Such as, rashes, itchiness, scratching,swollen lip, and general lethargy.

They can harbor harmful bacteria from old food particles not removed properly. Additionally, the material used to produce them can cause serious illnesses when continually licked by the cat's tongue.

The surface can get easily scratched. These scratches can hold harmful bacteria and germs that may breed in those tiny crevices, which again can make your cat sick. Plastic bowls requires more maintenance and should be changed frequently when the surface becomes scratched.

What should be used instead? Stainless steel, porcelain or ceramic bowls. My personal preference is ceramic bowls. They are affordable, easy to clean and safe for your pet to lick as it eats. After all we don't want to cause our cats any harm or create unnecessary vet bills for ourselves.

The wrong cat bowls can be harmful. Protect your cat from getting sick.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Importance of a Cat Bed

Most of us consider our cats as more than just pets but as part of the family which is why a cat bed is a must have for our cats. The cat bed is very important in more ways than one.

The cat bed is as important for our cats as the scratch post, the litter box and the pet door.Our cat must have his/her own cat bed not just for familial reasons but because of the following:

Hygiene – we all love our cats and we often tolerate them sleeping on the couch or on the bed but for purposes of hygiene they need their own place to rest and sleep. Cat fur can trigger allergies in some people and can be bothersome to vacuum.

Comfort – our cats deserve also to be comfortable. Some cat beds are specially built and textured so they become comfortable places for the cat to sleep in.

Pregnant kitties – pregnant cats require secure and comfortable places to have their kittens. If you don’t have a cat bed, your cat will have dibs on your own bed or your open closet.

Cat beds have really increased in popularity within the last few years.

Puruse affordable and unique cat beds and cat products.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Alternative Cat Dental Care

Cat Dental Care is so important. Any animal without opposable thumbs will use their jaws to grab, pick up or hold food. Therefore, cats make use of their teeth and jaws full time. They eat almost anything smaller than themselves like birds, mice and even insects. They also eat fish bones and other animal bones when possible so their teeth can wear out much like ours. Outside the house, we don’t know what they eat.

Normally, cat owners may brush their pets’ teeth daily and have scheduled visits to the vet. But many owners don’t have the time or the luxury to do so. When neglected, cats can suffer from tartar and plaque which results in oral problems like gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is a serious condition which is often painful and can affect their feeding habits and disposition. Alternatively, their owners can feed them some crunchy meals which can lessen the accumulation of plaque. They may also use dental spray and plaque reducing additives to their drinking water.

Click this link for more non stressful means of cat dental care.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Do You Know if Your Cat Is In Pain?

No pet owner wants to think that his or her cat can possibly be in pain, but it does happen. There are many reasons why our beloved cats experience pain. Common reasons for pain in cats include pain from injury, surgery, and also illness or infection. Proper pain management has been proven through studies to help reduce stress and help speed the healing process. Pain management not only makes your cat more comfortable it can help her to live longer.

Your cat may experience different types of pain. There is acute pain, which comes from an injury, from surgery or from an infection.

Acute pain can make your cat really uncomfortable, may limit her ability to move around and can make her not want to be touched. Acute pain is usually temporary and should go away when the condition that is causing the pain is treated.

Chronic pain is the second type of pain that a cat can experience. Chronic pain is long lasting pain that is usually slow to develop but can be related to old age, or disease and certain conditions such as arthritis. Chronic pain can also happen as a result of illnesses such as bone disease or cancers. This type of pain is the most difficult for cat owners to come to terms with because they will watch their beloved cat have to deal with chronic pain for the rest of the cat's life.

Signs that your cat may be hurting:

Look for changes in the cat's behavior that may signal to you that something is not the same such as the cat becomes unusually quiet, or becomes listless, restless, or is unresponsive to you. A cat will not necessarily show signs of pain but we can look for clues that may be there to help us determine pain is present.

Your cat may constantly meow, bite or nip, act funny or out of character such as becoming aggressive or unusually submissive.

Your cat may flatten its ears, or constantly lick a particular body part.

Your cat may have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or eating.

A cat in pain, may seek more affection from you than it usually does.

Your vet is the best source of pain information and will know how to determine if your cat is indeed in pain and how to manage the pain. Your vet will need to know some information from you such as your cat's recent behavior, activity level, whether or not the cat allows you to handle her. You will also be asked about how the cat is able to move and whether or not your cat has been jumping up on perches or areas of the home as it normally has in the past. These are all clues that the vet will use to help make a diagnosis.

After the vet examines the cat, x-rays may be needed to help make the diagnosis. Your vet may also need to draw blood, or perform other lab tests. If your cat is in pain, the cause will help to steer the vet to a pain management plan that may include physical therapy, drugs, or in serious cases surgery may be necessary.

Check out more info on sick cat and cat behavior.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cat Training: Squirt Bottle Good vs Bad

Most people believe that training a cat is important. Yes it is, but using a squirt bottle with water?

It is a known fact that most cats don't like water. There are always exceptions!!

The Good

Some people swear by using the squirt bottle or small water gun in training.

They state that the cat begins to understand the correlation between the unwanted behavior and the water squirting.

Eventually all the owner has to do is hold the squirting object and the cat stops the behavior before the squirting begins.

As with everything else in life, one must carefully try this method and see if it helps in training your cat. Or does it create distrust and resentment in your feline pet.

The Bad

Others have experienced a hostile resentful and angry cat when using this method. It may hiss, arch its back and even growl at you. If this happens stop using this method in your training.

If your cat is deterred without negative consequences or begins to fear you then by all means continue using it, though sparingly.

I would not suggest using it 10 times a day. Any living creature can not tolerate that, this constitutes abuse.

If you choose to use the squirt bottle or water gun as a teaching tool, you can not then use these items as toys for your cat.

So there you have it. I have given you the good vs bad factors to using the squirt bottle method of cat training.

Only you can decide what is best for you and your relationship with your cat.

Check out the website for unique cat lovers gifts for cat lovers, that don't involve squirt bottles.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What are the Pros & Cons of a Self Cleaning Litter Box?

The joys of owning a cat can often be overshadowed by the maintenance
they require.

Though minimal in comparison to dogs, litter box maintenance can be a
hassle. This is especially true for families with small children or other day to day
responsibilities that keep them busy.

One of the pleasures of owning a cat is the ability to leave it for an extended
period of time without worrying that it will be able to care for itself. They
are very self sufficient, and given enough food and water can often be on their
own for a very long time.

This great quality of ownership is even more apparent when you add a
self-cleaning litter box into the picture.

It is percieved that self-cleaning litter boxes do most of the dirty work for you,
literally. No more constantly having to remember if you’ve cleaned the box
or not... or if your child has remembered to do it as one of their daily chores.
It is simply done for you. This is a joy not only for the cat owner, but for the pet
as well. They have a more sanitary environment. They are able to keep
themselves cleaner, and are happier and more at ease. It seems as if everybody wins.

The downside of self cleaning litter boxes is that sometimes they may create
more work and mess for someone to clean. Additionally, in some models the
mechanisms jams, and it may leave waste in areas of the tray.

The cost of the carbon filters, waste trays and liners are ongoing expenses in
addition to the litter. Therefore one must take these aspects into consideration
when deciding which type of litter box to select.

However, with some research and persistence the decision should not be
entirely related to cost.

Most importantly the decision should be based upon the simple and better
quality of life for both the owners and the felines they love.

See more options regarding cat litter boxes and cat litter.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cat Lovers are People who...

Cat lovers come in many different shapes and sizes. There will be times, unexpectedly,you find out someone you know is a cat lover. Maybe he or she didn’t seem like the kind ofperson to have cats. Or you had an image in your head of what a stereotypical catlover looks like.

One thing all cat lovers have in common is that they are also animal lovers.They seem have a soft spot in their heart for furry friends, and shows deep compassion for other animals and other living things.

They also feel a connection with their pets, expressing the beliefthat they can sense what it is feeling.

Some owners form a kind of companionship with their pets, especially if they are single or unmarried. It’s common for individuals to get a kitten, raise it, become very attached to it’s companionship, almost as if it is their partner.

However, this isn’t exclusive to cat owners, many people form this strong bond with their pets.
People who tend to favor cats over dogs often cite the ease of care for their feline friends. They don’t have to take them out every few hours for a bathroom break. They can leave on a trip for a few days and it will be just finewhen they return. This is providing they leave enough food and water for the duration of their trip.

Cats are less needy than dogs. They are independent, and sometimes aloof. Cat lovers find these traits endearing, appreciating their cat’s dismissiveattitude. They also cite cats cleanliness as an added benefit. Most catstake care of their own fur, and aside from the heavy shedders, owners havelittle responsibility in that department.

Cat lovers, it seems, truly appreciate the companionship, ease, and humor they receive from owning a cat.

So it seems when buying a gift, that cat lovers are people whom should be given special consideration.

Check out the website for unique cat lovers gifts.