Friday, May 20, 2011

Importance of a Cat Bed

Most of us consider our cats as more than just pets but as part of the family which is why a cat bed is a must have for our cats. The cat bed is very important in more ways than one.

The cat bed is as important for our cats as the scratch post, the litter box and the pet door.Our cat must have his/her own cat bed not just for familial reasons but because of the following:

Hygiene – we all love our cats and we often tolerate them sleeping on the couch or on the bed but for purposes of hygiene they need their own place to rest and sleep. Cat fur can trigger allergies in some people and can be bothersome to vacuum.

Comfort – our cats deserve also to be comfortable. Some cat beds are specially built and textured so they become comfortable places for the cat to sleep in.

Pregnant kitties – pregnant cats require secure and comfortable places to have their kittens. If you don’t have a cat bed, your cat will have dibs on your own bed or your open closet.

Cat beds have really increased in popularity within the last few years.

Puruse affordable and unique cat beds and cat products.

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